Combined route types can be calculated in Spreadsheets by altering the CalcType setting in the pcmserve.ini file.
- prac|toll (Practical and Toll Discouraged)
- prac|natl (Practical and State + National Network)
- prac|toll|natl (Practical, Toll Discouraged, State + National Network)
- short|natl (Shortest and State + National Network)
- short|toll (Shortest and Toll Discouraged)
- short|toll|natl (Shortest, Toll Discouraged, State + National Network)
Using Ex Functions
These Ex functions in PC*MILER|Spreadsheets provide an alternate way to use any of the combination route types.
=MilesEx(origin, destination [, routing type])
=DriveTimeEx(origin, destination [, routing type])
=TollsEx(origin,destination,discount [,routing Type])**
=DiscountedTollsEx(origin,destination,discountProgram [,state][,routing Type])**
**Only available if the Tolls add-on is installed.