Between version releases of PC*MILER, software patches are periodically made available to fix any issues noted by customers or detected by our internal technical teams. PC*MILER patches are cumulative, meaning they include items from previous releases of the same type and for the version identified. PC*MILER 34 was originally released in June 2020.

In this article:

Issues Resolved in This Release

How to Install the Update

Issues Resolved in This Release

Version No:

  • Fixed an issue with the updatehistory.dat file that was preventing the PC*MILER Updater Tool from recognizing that an update had already been manually downloaded and applied. 
  • Fixed an error message to correctly indicate the HOS Manager does not work when the route is set to Arrive by... a certain day/date and time.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing settings in Application Settings > Tolls and Application Settings > Report from being retained when PC*MILER is closed and re-opened.
  • Updated default sub-local road speeds in Washington State in order to generate more accurate ETAs.
  • The PC*MILER Connect logging tool has been fixed to better ensure all APIs are executed.
  • Various fixes to support the release of PC*MILER Worldwide 34 and DTOD 34.

How to Install the Update

PC*MILER is equipped with a web-based update tool to facilitate the download and installation of software patches and updates.  To access this feature, use the following steps:

  1. Close all open instances of PC*MILER and its connectivity products. If a third-party program that accesses any PC*MILER component is running (for example, PC*MILER Connect), it must be closed before updating. 
  2. Confirm the computer has an active Internet connection.
  3. Open PC*MILER again, then select Help > Check for Updates. After a few moments, the PC*MILER Updater window is displayed. The Updater first checks for valid license information and then begins checking for available updates.
  4. If no updates are listed in the Available Updates window, PC*MILER is up to date. Stop here and close the Updater window.
  5. If updates are listed in the Available Updates window, use the remaining steps below to update PC*MILER.
  6. In the Download & Install drop-down menu next to each available update, select either Download & Install to download and install right away, or Download to download now and install later. Selecting either option will begin the download process. The progress of the download will be displayed in a progress bar.
  7. If Download & Install was chosen, the InstallShield Wizard will open when the download is finished. Follow the instructions to complete the installation. After installing, the update is listed under “Installed Updates” in the Updater window.
  8. If Download was chosen, the button to the right will read, “Install” when the download is finished. The installation can be completed as described above at any time in the future by opening the Updater window and clicking Install.
  9. Check to make sure the update installed properly. Select Help > About… and look for the Software Version number under “This Product is Licensed To”. It should match what you downloaded.