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New version of PC*Miler Web Services Spreadsheets now available
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ContentTools User Guide
What is ContentTools?
Company Administration Page and Permissions
Creating Custom Places
Verified Places
Creating Sites
Route Modifiers: Creating a New Avoid or Favor
Route Modifiers: Creating a New Road Closure
ContentTools: Import Places File Formatting
Manage ContentTools Accounts (Integration Partners Only)
Places API for Developers
ContentTools Self-Guided Training
ContentTools FAQs
Why is my browser reverting to an older version of ContentTools?
Places FAQs
Where should a Place be located?
How can I get access to ContentTools?
What is a good way to name Place Sets?
Can multiple users within my company access Content Tools?
What is a good way to name Avoids/Favors and Road Closures?
How do I know if there is a Site around a Place?
Do I need to add Gates to save a Site?
How do I choose a different ContentTools map style?
Where should I draw the perimeter when creating a Site?
I made a change in ContentTools. Why doesn’t the driver see it in CoPilot?
Is my fleet data private and secure?
How do I export Custom Roads from PC*MILER to ContentTools?
Can I move Route Modifiers to a different set?
Web tools end support for older browsers
How many places can a place set hold?
What is the difference between an avoid and a closure?
Can I see when a Custom Place was modified?
Release Notes
2024 Releases