Let’s view the driving directions for the Augusta - Charleston route by generating that report. (Shh, don't tell the others on this Tour if you already know the way.)

1. Click on the Route 1 window to activate it, and maximize it if it’s minimized.

2. Now select the Routes tab > Reports > Driver’s to generate driving directions. The Driver’s Report includes turn-by-turn detailed driving directions with cumulative distances and time estimates for each leg of the route.

3. In the Reports pane, check Show Print Preview. The Print Preview view will be displayed, along with a tool bar that enables printing, copying and several editing options.

4. PC*MILER also provides a Detailed Report that includes interchange information, plus leg and cumulative mileage and time estimates including any designated on/off duty, border wait and break times. To generate this report, select Detailed in the Reports drop-down, or press the <F5> key.

5. To print the Driver’s Report, select the File application menu > Print Report > Driver’s.

Next Stop: Save a Route